

Impact of cross-boundary line vitamin E-commerce on Chinese watch fabrication Industry

In Holocene old age, the rapid development of cross-boundary line vitamin E-commerce platform has significantly lower the barrier for merchandise entrance International market. This has bring new opportunity and challenge to the Chinese watch fabrication industry. This article research the impact of cross-boundary line vitamin E-commerce on export merchandise, analyze the operational difference between merchandise-establish and gross sales-establish company, and offer practical advice for watch jobber on choose suppliers.

cross-boundary line vitamin E-commerce platform lower berth barrier for Chinese Manufacturing

In the past three old age, the rapid growth of cross-boundary line vitamin E-commerce platform has drastically reduce the barrier for merchandise to enter International market. Previously, Chinese export merchandise and domestic merchandise operate in two offprint system, with factory and trader necessitate rigorous qualification to handle foreign order and export. foreign trade factory obtain assorted International certification through rigorous inspection, guarantee their merchandise meet high standard in both design and quality, make significant export barriers.

However, the emergence of cross-boundary line vitamin E-commerce has quickly interrupt down these trade barrier, let merchandise that previously did not meet export standard to range global market. This has light-emitting diode to some business facing fine due to deficient merchandise quality. such incident consequence from platform that do not adhere to International trade rule, causing business to wage a high monetary value for their mistake. Consequently, the repute of Chinese fabrication, construct over many old age, has suffered.

The operate model of cross-boundary line vitamin E-commerce platform negatively affect merchant’ net income and development. high fee and rigorous rule enforce by platform reduce net income margin, devising it difficult for merchant to invest in merchandise design and fabrication improvement. This impede the advancement of Chinese merchandise toward become brand and high-quality, make a three-manner loss for buyer, merchant, and the supply chain. Therefore, International watch jobber must discovery reliable supplier in this blend market environment.

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Post time: Jun-11-2024

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